

Can Technology Replace Human Translation? [In-Depth Analysis]

Technology has existed for many years and with its constant growth, it has brought the translation industry on the verge of change. Due to its effectiveness and rapidness, technology translation is estimated to forever replace human translators. But can it replace human translation? The simple answer is, no. Translation through technology is based on encoding […]
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What are the Benefits of Human Interpretation For Your Business?

Does your document or business information meant to serve a professional purpose? If yes, then you should not take chance with interpretation. Inappropriate interpretation can render a contract worth billions fake because of linguistic holes in its document. Human interpretation will always be superior to machine interpretation because of the following mentioned reasons… Human interpretation […]
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What is Human Gujarati Translation and Why is it Important?

It’s the oldest form of translation, depending on complete human intelligence to convert one way of saying things to another. And while human translation comes in various flavors, it remains the most widely-used Gujarati translation method to this day. Do you want to know more about it? Then continue reading further. Only humans can perfectly […]
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