Listed below are some of terms and conditions that you must know before associating with TridIndia. So, please read all the points very carefully, as it would be implicit that you agree to the entire T&C section while outsourcing our services or submitting your order to us.
Client refers to the company or an individual who is outsourcing our services and work refers to the projects provided to us. Written or oral acceptance of the price quotation (provided by TridIndia) shall constitute a contract.
General Terms
All the general terms are applicable for all legal relationships between the Client and TridIndia. Also, they supersede any conditions or terms that are offered, relied, or referred to by the Client.
Price Quotations
● In case, TridIndia didn’t get the opportunity to analyze the complete project, before issuing the quotation, TridIndia has all the rights to revoke the terms of delivery or the previously quoted price.
● The price quotations issued from our end, i.e. by TridIndia are free of obligation.
● Unless confirmed in writing, any promises or agreements made by TridIndia representatives shall not be legally binding.
● Any person or entity that contacts TridIndia to place an order, will be regarded as the client, until and unless the said person clearly states that he/she is acting on behalf of a third party. In such cases, the name and address of the third party must be provided at the time of placing the order.
● Any sort of doubt arising on the Client’s ability to pay the entire amount of services, shall entitle TridIndia to ask for some sufficient security prior to the execution of the assignments.
Changes to the Orders
If the Client demands for changes or amendments in the order (after the contract has come to an end), TridIndia will have the authority to either refuse to make further changes or modify the terms of delivery and/or quoted price. In the former case, the Client will have to pay for the amount of work already done.
Privacy and Execution of Assignments
● We make sure that the projects are undertaken by professional, experienced and native experts, so that the purpose indicated by the Client is fulfilled.
● Information asked or required by TridIndia (for example lists of terms, reference documentation and others related to the project) shall be honored by the Client and shall be dispatched, entirely at the Client’s risk and expense.
● Every detail or information provided by the Client will be kept private and confidential, both by TridIndia and its employees. However, for any breach of privacy by the employees, TridIndia shall not be liable, if the employee can prove that he/she was unable to prevent the same.
Order Cancellation
● In case of order cancellation by the client, TridIndia shall be entitled to claim for the payment of the entire work that has been performed already.
● TridIndia shall also be entitled to ask for the compensation of several hours spent on conducting research for the remaining part of the order.
● The Client may be charged 50% of the total fee for the remainder part of the work (i.e. the work that was not-executed due to order cancellation), If TridIndia has had a fix time slot for the completion and delivery of the order.
● At the client’s request, the entire work performed by TridIndia will be made available to the Client. However, TridIndia does not hold any responsibility for its quality.
Payment and Refund
● If the Client fails to make the payment before or on the due date, he/she shall have to pay the statutory interest that will be added on the total invoice amount, starting the payment date until complete settlement.
● The net payment for services shall be in the currency invoiced.
● TridIndia has the authority to increase the quoted price, if the Client provides unclear or difficult specifications and forces to undertake more work. An example of unclear specifications can be the faulty computer programs or the faulty files provided by the Client.
● Payment should be made before the commencement of the work. In some situations, if TridIndia agrees, the payment can be made in different stages.
● 100% money may be refunded to the customer, in case any university/agency or USCIS rejects the work done from our end. But, the refund will take place only after a written proof from the specific university or agency, has been provided to us.
Project Delivery
● The project delivery dates are provisional.
● The Client shall be informed immediately, if it is perceived by TridIndia that would not be delivered by the agreed delivery deadline.
● To make sure that the project has been delivered on time, the Client shall help TridIndia with everything that may be necessary for timely execution.
● If any fixed delivery date has been provided by TridIndia, in writing and it, for some reasons other than something which is not under its control, is unable to deliver the project on the fixed date, the Client can cancel the contract, if he/she cannot afford any delay. However, in such case, TridIndia will not be responsible to pay for any damages whatsoever.
● The moment the project is sent by Internet, courier, post, modem, fax etc., it would be deemed as delivered at the client’s end.
Indemnity and Liability
● TridIndia shall not be liable for anything, if there is ambiguity in the source content or source file provided by the client.
● In case of ambiguity or inconsistency of services offered, TridIndia shall not be responsible to pay for any damages.
● For any form of damage, like loss of profits, consequential damage, or losses due to project delays, TridIndia shall not be liable under any circumstances.
● The value of the price quotation shall never be exceeded.
● TridIndia shall be indemnified by the Client against any sort of claims (deriving from the use of services) by third parties, barring any liability incurred by TridIndia.
● TridIndia shall not be liable, in case of any damage or loss of data carriers, documents or data provided by the Client.
● TridIndia shall not be liable for any damages or costs incurred due to (a) any computer viruses in data carriers or files delivered by TridIndia, (b) the utilization of telecom media or/and information technology, or (c) dispatching the data or data carriers.
● In case of any complaints regarding the services offered, the Client shall submit the complaint in writing, within 10 days after the services have been delivered at the client’s end.
● The services shall be understood as accepted by the client, if no complaint has been made within 10 days. TridIndia will act or consider the complaints, only if it seems appropriate to do so.
● Submitting a complaint does not mean that the Client is free from the obligation to pay.
● TridIndia shall be provided with a certain period of time for substituting or improving the quality of services. But, this is possible, only in the situations when the complaint is valid. In some situations, when TridIndia would not be able to make the required changes or improvements, the Client would be granted with a discount.
● If the Client demands for change in any part of the project, TridIndia will not be responsible for delivering an inferior service. This also applies for the edited or translated text.
● The Client cannot complaint regarding the services, if he/she has edited or hired others for editing the part of the project/ service mentioned in the complaint.
Force Majeure and Contract Cancellation
● Under adverse circumstances, where TridIndia would be unable to meet its obligations, it will have the right to cancel the contract. In such cases, TridIndia will not be liable to pay for any sort of damages. Some of the adverse circumstances or situations may include, but are not limited to these – transport restrictions and delays, accidents, fire, government measures, strikes, illness, force majeure, war, riots etc.
● If the Client is unable to pay, due to reasons like, bankruptcy, liquidation etc., TridIndia can either postpone the execution of the project or could cancel the contract. In such cases, no claim to damages will be made. TridIndia may also demand for immediate payment.
● In case of force majeure, the Client shall pay for the work done till that moment. The Client shall also pay any expenses or costs incurred.
Governing Law
The governing law states that all sorts of legal disputes or matters are subject to the Indian government jurisdiction.
● TridIndia shall be indemnified by the Client against all claims by the third parties for violation of copyrights, other intellectual property rights, patent rights and others that are relative to contract execution.
● Any work done by TridIndia is its copyright, barring any detailed written agreement.
Quick Translation
- App Localization 3
- Audio Transcription 7
- Business Interpretation 2
- Business Success 16
- Business Translation 9
- Captioning 13
- Captioning By Industry 3
- Certificate Translation 29
- Conference Interpretation 8
- Consecutive interpretation 7
- Content Localization 7
- Content Marketing 7
- Content Translation 35
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- Content Writing 35
- Culture 5
- Culture & Traditions 9
- Document Localization 2
- Document Translation 66
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- Editing Blog 2
- Game Localization 6
- Global Business 24
- Global Industries Updates 1
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- Healthcare Translation 4
- How to Budget 15
- How to Do Business 1
- How To Say 10
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- Interpretation 91
- interpreters 22
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- Jobs Blog 5
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- Language Captioning 5
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- Language Facts 27
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- Language Interpretation 20
- Language Localization 3
- Language Transcription 24
- Language Translation 349
- Language Voiceover 15
- Language-Subtitle 20
- Languages Spoken 5
- Learn Language 17
- Legal Interpretation 3
- Legal Transcription 6
- Legal Translation 30
- Localization 63
- Localization By Industry 8
- Localize for Market 9
- Machine Translation 5
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- Marketing Strategy 10
- Marketing Translation 21
- Medical Interpretation 5
- Medical Transcription 5
- Medical Translation 34
- Mobile Localization 1
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- Proofreading 1
- Simultaneous Interpretation 16
- Social Media Translation 4
- Subtitle By Industry 2
- Subtitles 35
- Technical Translation 17
- Thought On Translators 37
- Transcription by Industry 40
- Transcriptionists 1
- Transcriptions 75
- Translation Blog 1,922
- Translation By Industry 206
- Translation Challenges 26
- Translations 651
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- Video Transcription 11
- Voice Artist 2
- Voice over 43
- Voice over By Industry 11
- Website Localization 18
- Website Translation 72
We make international communication easier to let you speak the target mother tongue.
Contact Details
1st Floor, H-192, Lohia Rd, H Block, Sector 63, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201305
+91-8527599523, +91-0120-4239652