
Multilingual Transcription Services

Tridindia offers fast and top-notch Multilingual Transcription services in more than 149 languages by certified Transcribers worldwide.

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Why You Should Work With Multilingual Transcription Agencies?

The adoption of video conferences, distance-based events and even e-learning was increasing even before the COVID-19. During and post-pandemic, they have become a staple of our daily lives. Unlike traditional conferences, you don’t need to travel or do face-to-face meetings. Video conferencing allows businesses to meet with partners as well as suppliers across the world at the touch of a button. But even in regular video conferencing, businesses in each industry require good record keeping to understand what was stated. This is where multilingual transcription services come into the picture. They are the ideal ways for businesses across the world to maintain clarity in their global communications.

Fastest professional multilingual transcription services by 500+ certified multilingual transcriptionists who offer accurate transcription services in multi-languages for government, public and private sectors. Do you know why the demand for multilingual transcribers is increasing day by day? You might very well understand that in order to succeed in the global marketplace, your business should speak in the customers’ native language. The essence is the same when it comes to multilingual transcribers or transcription solutions. You may have several videos and audios that you broadcast in different languages, just to attract the attention of your global customers. But, what about attracting search engine spiders? You need to have well-written text that describes the audio or video and attracts more traffic towards it. Hence, if you are looking for secure transcribing services in multiple languages, you are at the right place.

Need of Multilingual Transcription for your Business Today

Multilingual transcription is the method of transcribing the content of an audio/video file into transcripts and that transcripts get translated into multiple languages for various audiences. Professionally transcribed texts are easy to search, read, and share. But do you know why your business needs such solutions to make your content reach wider audiences? Here are the reasons:

Improve Content Accessibility

There are several reasons why your content might not be easily accessible to your audiences such as speaker-related difficulties. Many people prefer reading more effective than audio/video learning. By providing your audience with the option to see/hear and read, you make your valuable content far more accessible to every type of person.

Boost ROI

If you want to boost your ROI on speakers at your video conference, multilingual transcription solutions give you more utility when it comes to how can you process your content. Owning content that you can utilize to appeal to new leads and branding your business elsewhere is extremely valuable and have good impacton your ROI.

Expand Global Reach

After creating transcripts out of video or audio, you can have it translated into any language you are targeting such as Hindi, Chinese, Telugu, Mandarin, Standard Arabic, Tamil, there are many more. Every one of these languages has hundreds or thousands of millions of speakers. Those are targeted audiences who can easily access your content.

Boost Sales

If you ever think about producing and sharing videos to aware your target audience about your products, do you think that’s enough? Actually no. You may need the multilingual transcription to get the audio content in a written format so that you can share the transcripts in as many languages as you want. This method would surely boost sales.

Accurate written records are needed for any business, no matter they work internationally or locally. However, this requirement is specifically acute for companies that work with multilingual clients. Because having clarity about the information is as crucial as good record-keeping moving further. In this case, we will assign your project to a skilled human transcriber who will work with full focus and use proven tactics to produce accurate multilingual transcripts within the deadline. 

Types Of Multilingual Transcription We offer:

Backed by a professional team of multilingual transcriptionists, we work on all types of transcription assignments, no matter which language it is in. be it for training, formal discussions, ranking in the SERPs or simply to recall important points in a business meeting, transcripts in different languages can be of great use to you.
  • Roundtable Discussion Transcription
  • Business Discussion Transcription
  • Surveys Transcription
  • Strategic Planning Session Transcription
  • Group Discussion Transcription
  • Meeting Transcription
  • Brainstorming Session Transcription
  • Drug Advisory Board Meeting Transcription
  • Academic Research Transcription
  • Market Research Transcription
While you are with us, you can be ascertained that the quality and accuracy parameters will be delightfully satisfied. If you need transcription for any other type of audio or video content, feel free to share your concerns with us. This table highlights only a few of the transcription types we offer to you. Please be assured that there is more to it. Hence, we offer comprehensive support to you.
Why Choose Us

Choosing Tridindia to Get Impactful Multilingual Transcription

We focus on high quality, ethics and professionalism, which becomes the major highlight of our services. You might easily get ‘n’ numbers of choices in the market. But, the type of commitment, dedication and quality we offer, is simply unmatched. Hence, if you are looking for accuracy-oriented, error-free, secure transcription, you are at the right place. Here are some of the major reasons why you should choose us –

Higher Quality & Accuracy Level

The translated transcripts will be forwarded to the QC team for reviewing where they will ensure transcripts meet the higher accuracy and quality level.

Comprehensive Language Solutions

We bring to you comprehensive language solutions to meet your need of translating transcripts into more than one language to make your content fully accessible.

Certified Transcription Services

We provide certified transcriptions services specifically for the transcripts related to the legal or medical industry because they require a great level of attention.

Native Expert Transcribers

We have a team of diligent native transcribers who are not specialized in transcribing but are also subject matter experts with good industry knowledge.

Easy Project Consultation

We conduct an easy project consultation which is beneficial for our clients as our project manager listens to their concerns and addresses all their questions.

Fastest Turnaround Time

We will give your project to the native transcriber who will be equipped with your industry knowledge and can transcribe with the fastest TAT.

Benefits Of Outsourcing Multilingual Transcription Services To Us

Our team possesses extraordinary research and linguistic skills that help them clearly understand the context of the information available in audio and video file. Hence, you are in an immense benefiting situation with us, as what we guarantee you is quality and accuracy and time friendliness. Listed below are some important benefits that you may get by outsourcing the services to us –

Native Transcribers:

We work with native professionals who can instantly transcribe all types of audio and videos in your native language or that of your customers’. Basically, we work in multiple languages, and we assign the project to native language experts, who clearly understand the cultural nuances.

High Quality Output:

Delivering high-quality output has always been our forte. Regardless of the complexity of the language or size of the project, we make sure that the result delivered to your end is highly qualitative and accurate in nature. Also, we maintain strict confidentiality of your audio/video files.

No Bias:

The transcripts provided at your end will be free from any kind of bias or personal opinions. Many vendors, while transcribing audio/ video unknowingly get biased over some point that reduces the quality. However, this would never happen with us, as we keep a stringent eye on quality.

Subject Area Expertise:

We assure your transcription project will be handled by our professional subject matter experts. No matter whether the audio or video is related to legal, medical, technical or any other kind of subject, our team can easily transcript the files as per your specific requirements and needs.

This in itself describes that the transcribing services outsourced from us are associated with several benefits. Once you join hands with us, you will finally realize what quality tastes like. We understand that transcription is a small part of your huge project or the goal you are trying to achieve. 

Get in touch

Don’t hesitate to contact us for inquiries!

    We work with native language experts, who can help you get accurate copies of transcripts in the least possible time frame. Just connect with our experts today to discuss your project.

    Easy Project Consultation

    Certified Translation


    Take Simple Steps for Multilingual Transcription Order

    Any recorded audio or video can be transcribed into text in as many languages as you want. Hence, while you are with us, you can rest assured that there can be as many transcripts available for your audio or video in as many languages, under one roof.


    Contact us First

    To understand about our services and share your requirements, give a quick call.

    Consult with Project Manager

    To receive in-depth service information, simply consult with our proficient project manager.

    Place Your Order

    Choose the type of transcription you need, tell us the language(s) and place an order.

    Get Delivery On Time

    Our native human transcriber will transcribe your file directly to create transcripts in the target language(s).
    Case Studies

    We are dedicated
    to serve you all time

    Better engagement, enhanced reach, huge SEO benefits and a lot more – that’s how our value-added multilingual transcription solutions benefit your business.


    With years of experience, we know what your industry needs for growth.

    We guarantee the most effective services and correct solutions to your each and every query. Since 2002, we have been serving clients to translate their Ecommerce material in different languages.


    The Unbeatable Multilingual Transcription Master Since 2002

    Video conferencing, webinars and virtual conferences are here to stay not just today, but also in future. That’s why we planned our multilingual transcription solutions in such a way that they ensure to give you the maximum value from hosting yours.

    1 %
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    Quality and Accuracy
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    Native Transcribers
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